Category Archives: Our Views

Definitely Worth Thinking About….


I had a random thought pop into my head today, and although it was random – it was rather profound. I began to think about how societal views and health correlate. I thought about how each day, it seems to get harder and more expensive to be healthy. But then I noticed a speed bump in the road along our paths for a better, more fulfilled life.

Currently, we are living in a country where so many useless and usually unhealthy addictions dictate our lives. It seems as though these things have taken precedence over our own health and quality of life. Why has our population become completely consumed by alcohol, tobacco, and other substances that are poison to our bodies. Take cigarettes as an example; they dramatically increase our chance of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. They are responsible for around 480,000 deaths a year. That’s 1,300 people A DAY! Smokers die an average of 10 years earlier than people who don’t smoke (link is here.) Smoking is one of the worst things a person can do for their health, and the health of others around them… People spend thousands of dollars a year on products that increase their chance of disease and pre-mature death; and then they say healthy eating is too expensive. If a person smokes a pack a day at $5  a pop they end up spending around $1800 on cigarettes a year. Want to know what is in 5 years? An estimated $9000! The amount of money people spend on things as dangerous as cigarettes could be used in many different ways… Such as building a garden, buying organic, and o getting a gym membership. It could also be used for vacations, and stress relieving activities. (Check this article out!)

Life would seem less “expensive” if we cut more of the unnecessary things out (Great Stats about our Waste)… Saving money that way and having the option to purchase organic food, go to the gym, and feel like a new person by eliminating the constant attack of the poison inside cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, and other things polluting your body.

Change your Mind, Change your Life